Monday, September 30, 2013

Iranian Hackers infiltrated US Navy computers

     Iranian Hackers infiltrated US Navy computers

The Wall Street Journal reported that Iranian hackers have successfully penetrated unclassified US Navy computers, the allegations were made by US officials that consider the attacks a serious intrusion within the Government network.

"The U.S. Officials said the attacks were carried out by hackers working for Iran's government or by a group acting with the approval of Iranian leaders. The most recent incident came in the week starting Sept. 15, before a security upgrade, the officials said. Iranian officials didn't respond to requests to comment."

US officials revealed that a group of Iranian state-sponsored hackers have repeatedly violated US Navy computer systems for cyber espionage purpose, despite no sensitive information has been leaked the event is considered very concerning. US Intelligence fears that such attacks could expose confidential information like the blueprints of a new cyber weapon.

US officials added that Congress has been briefed on the attack, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey discussed on the necessity further improve government network security.

"The Pentagon wouldn't confirm the alleged Iranian hacks. A department spokesman said its networks are attacked daily. We take these attempts seriously and work to learn lessons from every one of them," the spokesman said.

"Their ability to also play in this [cyber] sandbox compounds that concern," "The series of Iranian intrusions revealed a weakness in the Navy network and a shortcoming in the service's defenses compared with other unclassified military networks, according to U.S. Officials.

Once the intruders got into the Navy computer system, they were able to exploit security weaknesses to penetrate more deeply into the unclassified network, the officials said."

Iran’s cyber abilities have increased gradually reaching a concerning level, US Intelligence believes that Iranian cyber units today have sufficient cyber abilities to attack the US causing serious damages to the critical infrastructures of the country.

The situation is very serious if we consider that the foreign hackers could sabotage the critical infrastructure using malicious code and tools freely available on the internet and purchased in the underground.

The study “Iran: How a Third Tier Cyber Power Can Still Threaten the United States” (PDF), published by the Atlantic Council sustains that despite the Iranian cyber capabilities are considered modest, they could be sufficient to launch attacks against the US that would do more damage to public perceptions than actual infrastructure.

The Iranian menace continues, Iranian state-sponsored hackers already hit US in the past the US major banks and energy industry computer networks, but if the event is confirmed there is the concrete risk that the cyber conflict may escalate.

Between US and Iran, there is a dangerous tension that has repercussions in the cyber space while US President Barack Obama and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani are trying to define a diplomatic conduct to reach an agreement on the development of Iranian nuclear program. The two leaders spoke on Friday, from the White House Friday afternoon, Obama announced he just got off the phone with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and discussed “our ongoing efforts to reach an agreement over Iran's nuclear program.

The cyber war between US and Iran started a long ago, US in a joint effort with Israel is considered responsible for the sabotage of Iranian uranium enrichment facilities made with a cyber weapon known as Stuxnet.

Cybersecurity experts are not concerned only by Iran, most dangerous players in the cyberspace like China and Russia that have more sophisticated hacking capabilities than Iran.

The conflict between US and Iran is ongoing in the cyberspace and could have serious repercussions on the diplomatic dialogue established between the two governments, a cyber attack could have the same effect of a conventional strike ... This could be just the beginning.

New Mac OS Malware exploited two known Java vulnerabilities

New Mac OS Malware exploited two known Java vulnerabilities

A new Mac OS Malware has been discovered called OSX/Leverage.A, which appears to be yet another targeted command-and-control Trojan horse, that creates a backdoor on an affected user’s machine.

The Trojan named 'Leverage' because the Trojan horse is distributed as an application disguised as a picture of two people kissing, possibly a scene from the television show "Leverage".

The attack launched via a Java applet from a compromised website and which drops a Java archive with the backdoor to the visitor's computer and launches it without a user intercation.

To perform the attack, Malware uses two recently disclosed Java vulnerabilies known as CVE-2013-2465 and CVE-2013-2471. Once it’s installed, the Trojan connects to the C&C server on port 7777.
Syrian Electronic Army
Security vendor Intego said that Malware linked to Syrian Electronic Army (SEA), because after installation Malware attempt to download an image associated with the Syrian Electronic Army, but the hacker group denies accusations it engaged in the manufacture of such malware.

Moreover, according to security researcher, malware is similar to what is used in a phishing attack by the Syrian hackers against The New York Times, Outbrain, and The Washington Post.

While this new malware is out there, but the threat level appears to be low and has affected a few people. Apple has now updated XProtect to detect Leverage and prevent it from launching.

US news agency GlobalPost's twitter and website hacked by Syrian Electronic Army

US news agency GlobalPost's twitter and website hacked by Syrian Electronic Army                         

In a series of high profile hacks, 'Syrian Electronic Army (SEA)' just a few minutes before took control twitter account and website of 'GlobalPost', a US based news agency.
'Syrian Electronic Army is an organized hacking group loyal to the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and known for their high profile cyber attacks.

The hacker posted two tweets from the victim's account, saying "Think twice before you publish untrusted information about Syrian Electronic Army" and "This time we hacked your website and your Twitter account, the next time you will start searching for new job :)" (as shown in the screenshot).

GlobalPost's Deputy Social Media and News Desk Editor 'Kyle Kim' also tweeted that "We've been hacked".

At this point it is unclear that How group managed to access the website and twitter account. We are connecting to the hackers for further information, stay tuned to the page for more updates on this.

Update (5:31 PM Monday, September 30, 2013 GMT) : According to the group, just after the hack GlobalPost website is taken down.

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Turning your iPhone or Android camera into Microscope

Turning your iPhone or Android camera into Microscope

Have you ever been wanting to take a picture of something you're looking at under your microscope but you just can't? Well, but now the Microphone Lens turns your iPhone or Android camera phone into a portable handheld microscope.

By attaching a lightweight, inexpensive device to the back of a smart phone, researchers at the University of California (UCLA) can convert the phone into a sensitive fluorescence microscope.
Microphone Lens allows the phone's camera to take pictures of single nanoparticles and viruses, possibly providing a portable diagnostic tool for health care workers in developing countries.
In an experiment, A Nokia 808 PureView smartphone has been used to do fluorescent imaging on individual nanoparticles and viruses. By clipping on a 3D-printed attachment that included a laser bought on eBay

smartphone microscope
Their work is funded by Nokia university research funding, the Army Research Office, the National Science Foundation, and other sources.

Android Device Manager allows user to Lock, Wipe and Locate device remotely

Android Device Manager allows user to Lock, Wipe and Locate device remotely

If you lose your device, Google lets you secure it instantly from afar through Android Device Manager, that let you locate and remotely wipe your phones and tablets.

The latest update to Android Device Manager enables remote password locking, overrides the built-in Pattern, PIN code, Face unlock or password-based security, making sure your data doesn’t fall into wrong hands.
To get started, go to on your computer and go through your list of devices that are connected to your Google account.
I tried the process with my Samsung Galaxy S4, and it worked like a charm. Google’s new feature is a very useful one for those who don’t have a lock on their phone and want to make sure their data is protected.

A lock request will immediately secure any device connected to Wi-F
i or a cellular network, even if it's actively being used. If a thief has turned off a phone or enabled Airplane Mode, the lock will take effect as soon as a data connection is reestablished.

You can hit the Ring button, making your Android device ring at the maximum volume, even if it is on silent, so you can figure out where your phone is.

Are you already using Android Device Manager for your Android phone? What are your thoughts on this new remote lock feature that is now available? We always appreciate your comments.

World's biggest DDoS attack that Almost Broke the Internet

World's biggest DDoS attack that Almost Broke the Internet.

                                old post but be aware..............

The last week has seen probably the largest distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack ever. A massive 300Gbps was thrown against Internet blacklist maintainer Spamhaus' website but the anti-spam organisation , CloudFlare was able to recover from the attack and get its core services back up and running. 

biggest DDoS attack that Almost Broke the InternetSpamhaus, a group based in both London and Geneva, is a non-profit organisation that aims to help email providers filter out spam and other unwanted content. Spamhaus is pretty resilient, as its own network is distributed across many countries, but the attack was still enough to knock its site offline on March 18.

Five national cyber-police-forces are investigating the attacks.  A group calling itself STOPhaus, an alliance of hactivists and cyber criminals is believed to responsible for bombarding Spamhaus with up to 300Gbps.

The attacks on Spamhaus illustrate a larger problem with the vulnerability of systems fundamental to the architecture of the Internet, the Domain Name Servers (DNS). The high attack bandwidth is made possible because attackers are using misconfigured domain-name service (DNS) servers known as open recursive resolvers or open recursors to amplify a much smaller attack into a larger data flood.

DDoS attack

Known as DNS reflection, the technique uses requests for a relatively large zone file that appear to be sent from the intended victim's network. According to CloudFlare, it initially recorded over 30,000 DNS resolvers that were tricked into participating in the attack. There are as many as 25 million of these open recursive resolvers at the disposal of attackers

"In the Spamhaus case, the attacker was sending requests for the DNS zone file for to open DNS resolvers. The attacker spoofed the CloudFlare IPs we'd issued for Spamhaus as the source in their DNS requests. The open resolvers responded with DNS zone file, generating collectively approximately 75Gbps of attack traffic. The requests were likely approximately 36 bytes long (e.g. dig ANY @X.X.X.X +edns=0 +bufsize=4096, where X.X.X.X is replaced with the IP address of an open DNS resolver) and the response was approximately 3,000 bytes, translating to a 100x amplification factor."

It now seems that the attack is being orchestrated by a Dutch hosting company called CyberBunker. As long as it's not child porn and anything related to terrorism, CyberBunker will host it, including sending spam.  Spamhaus blacklisted CyberBunker earlier in the month.

However, the DDoS attacks have raised concerns that further escalations of the retaliatory attacks could affect banking and email systems. DDoS attacks are typically carried out to extort money from targeted organisations or as a weapon to disrupt organisations or companies in pursuit of ideological, political or personal interests.

Chinese APT Espionage campaign, dubbed 'Icefog' targeted Military contractors and Governments

Chinese APT Espionage campaign, dubbed 'Icefog' targeted Military contractors and Governments

Kaspersky Lab has identified another Chinese APT campaign, dubbed ‘Icefog’, who targeted Governmental institutions, Military contractors, maritime / shipbuilding groups, telecom operators, industrial and high technology companies and mass media.

The Hacking group behind the attack who carry out surgical hit and run operations, is an advanced persistent threat (APT) group, used a backdoor dubbed Icefog that worked across Windows and Mac OS X to gain access to systems.
"The Mac OS X backdoor currently remains largely undetected by security solutions and has managed to infect several hundred victims worldwide," the report (PDF) said.

This China-based campaign is almost two years old and follows the pattern of similar APT-style attacks where victims are compromised via a malicious attachment in a spear-phishing email, or are lured to a compromised website and infected with malware.

The attackers embed exploits for several known vulnerabilities (CVE-2012-1856 and CVE-2012-0158) into Microsoft Word and Excel documents.

Once a computer has been compromised, the hackers upload malicious tools and backdoors. They look for email account credentials, sensitive documents and passwords to other systems.

"We observed many victims in several other countries, including Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, USA, Australia, Canada, UK, Italy, Germany, Austria, Singapore, Belarus and Malaysia," the research team said.

There is no concrete evidence to confirm this was a nation-state sponsored operation, but based on where the stolen data were transferred to, Kaspersky wrote the attackers are assumed to be in China, South Korea and Japan.

In total, Kaspersky Lab observed more than 4,000 uniquely infected IPs and several hundred victims. They are now in contact with the targeted organizations as well as government entities in order to help them identify and eradicate the infections.


FBI arrested 19-Year-old Hacker for Sextortion; allegedly Hacked into Miss Teen USA's Webcam

A College 19-year-old college student and Hacker from Temecula, California has been arrested for hacking thewebcams of Miss Teen USA 'Cassidy Wolf' and other women to extort nude photos and videos from them.

Earlier this year Cassidy Wolf received an anonymous email in which the sender claimed to have stolen images from the camera on her home computer. According to the complaint, he threatened to turn her "dream of being a model ... into a pornstar."

Jared James Abrahams, 19 years-old man forced several women to strip. Based on an investigation launched in March the FBI raided THE suspect's home in June, seizing computers, cell phones and hacking software.

Abrahams is accused of hacking the computers of several young women and charged with extortion, that could send him to federal prison for up to two years.

Abrahams used malicious software to disguise his identity in order to capture nude photos or videos of victims through remote operation of cameras on their home computers without their consent.

"He was later freed on $50,000 bail but a judge confined him to his family home, ordered him to wear a GPS monitor, and said he could only use the home computer for schoolwork, with software to be installed that will monitor its use.Fox News explained.

Investigators have identified several other victims in the case. The affidavit does not name the victims.

In Feb, 2013 - FBI arrested Karen 'Gary' Kazaryan, a 27-year old man, who blackmailed more than 350 women after convincing them to strip off in front of their webcams has been arrested in the US.

Thousands of Wordpress blogs compromised to perform DDOS attack

There is currently a Mega cyber attack campaign being launched on a large number of WordPress websites across the Internet. 

In April, 2012 we reported about a large distributed brute force attack against millions of WordPress sites were occurring, out of that hackers are successful to compromise 90,000 servers to create a large Botnet of Wordpress hosts.

According to the DDOS attack logs report received from a 'The Hacker News' reader 'Steven Veldkamp', victim's website was under under heavy DDOS attack recently, coming from various compromised Wordpress based websites.

Possibly using the brute force attack on WordPress administrative portals with the a world list of the most commonly used username and password combinations, attackers are taking control of many poorly secured WordPress Hosts
After analyzing the piece of a DDOS attack Log file from timing 23/Sep/2013:13:03:13 +0200 to 23/Sep/2013:13:02:47 +0200, we found that in 26 second attacker was able to perform DDOS attack from 569 unique compromised Wordpress blogs. Hacked websites include blogs of Mercury Science and Policy at MIT, National Endowment for the Arts (, The Pennsylvania State University and Stevens Institute of Technology.
So an attacker using a large number of high performance hosting in order to build a much larger botnet of for a DDOS attack. This attack is happening at a global level and WordPress instances across hosting providers are being targeted. Since the attack is highly distributed in nature (most of the IP’s used are spoofed), it is very difficult to block all malicious data.

According to the statistics recently published by WP WhiteSecurity, more than 70% of WordPress installations are vulnerable to hackers out of the World's Top 1 Million websites having a Wordpress installed.
From the table above you can determine that at least 30,823 WordPress websites out of 42,106 are vulnerable to exploitable vulnerabilities, which can be detected using free automated vulnerability assessment tools.
Also in August, 2012 Researchers at Arbor Networks have uncovered a botnet called Fort Disco that was used to compromise more than 6000 websites based on popular CMSs such as WordPress, Joomla and Datalife Engine.

If you are running WordPress sites, now would be a good time to ensure that strong passwords are always used and that your username should be changed from “admin”.

Avoid Obvious Passwords, Scan your computer for viruses, keyloggers, rootkits, and botnet software. Most importantly, Update WordPress and all plugins to the latest versions.

U.S. Says Iran Hacked Navy Computers

WASHINGTON—U.S. officials said Iran hacked unclassified Navy computers in recent weeks in an escalation of Iranian cyberintrusions targeting the U.S. military.
The allegations, coming as the Obama administration ramps up talks with Iran over its nuclear program, show the depth and complexity of long-standing tensions between Washington and Tehran.
The U.S. officials said the attacks were carried out by hackers working for Iran's government or by a group acting with the approval of Iranian leaders.
The most recent incident came in the week starting Sept. 15, before a security upgrade, the officials said. Iranian officials didn't respond to requests to comment.
The allegations would mark one of the most serious infiltrations of U.S. government computer systems by Iran. Previously, Iranian-backed infiltration and surveillance efforts have targeted U.S. banks and computer networks running energy companies, current and former U.S. officials have said.
In the Navy's case, the Iranian intruders penetrated an unclassified computer network that is used for email and the service's internal intranet, the officials said.
The U.S. officials said they didn't believe Iranian agents stole information of significant value, but the incident sparked concerns within the Pentagon because it showed a more potent Iranian hacking capability than previously believed and suggested the Iranians have the ability to access military data.
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey were briefed on the intrusions and on the department's attempts to upgrade its network, U.S. officials said. Congress has also been also briefed on the intrusions, other U.S. officials said.
The Pentagon wouldn't confirm the alleged Iranian hacks. A department spokesman said its networks are attacked daily.
"We take these attempts seriously and work to learn lessons from every one of them," the spokesman said.
There has been a growing recognition among U.S. military and intelligence officials that Iranian cyber-capabilities, once discounted as minimal, now pose a significant threat.
The stepped up Iranian cyber-activities are of particular concern to U.S. officials given the Iranian regime's increasingly aggressive behavior in recent years in other arenas.
"Their ability to also play in this [cyber] sandbox compounds that concern," a U.S. official said.
President Barack Obama and Iranian President Hasan Rouhani spoke on Friday, as U.S. and Iranian officials try to restart negotiations over Iran's nuclear program.
But behind the potential for a thaw in relations is an aggressive Iranian military that in recent years has aspired to counter U.S. and Israeli adversaries, relying on extremist groups and sophisticated offensive techniques at sea and in international espionage.
Iran's elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, with an overseas component known as the Qods Force, was implicated by U.S. officials in a 2011 plot to kill Saudi Arabia's ambassador in Washington.
Iran has denied those allegations and called them politically motivated.
Iran counters by complaining about the computer virus known as Stuxnet—developed by the U.S. and Israel, according to former American officials—which sabotaged elements of Iran's nuclear program and was uncovered in 2010. Iran also complains about constant U.S. threats to use military force.
The latest reports of infiltration took U.S. defense officials by surprise and showed the Iranians had gained greater capability than many in the U.S. government believed, officials said.
"Iran is very active," said James Lewis, a former State Department official and cybersecurity specialist at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "They're better than we thought."
As recently as last year, U.S. intelligence officials said that they considered Iran's capabilities unimpressive. That view has changed over the past year.
One reason that Iran's hacking capabilities have improved so quickly is a growing partnership with Russian cybercriminals, according to current and former officials briefed on the matter.
"They're getting help from the Russians," Mr. Lewis said. He added that Russian spy services tightly control cyber activities in Russia and that cybercriminals "don't do things" without government permission.
At the Russian Embassy in Washington, press secretary Yevgeniy Khorishko denied a government role, saying, "such statements are absolutely untrue."
Iranian interest in the Navy is driven, Mr. Lewis said, by the presence of American warships in the Persian Gulf and along Iran's coastline.
"They feel empowered by this new military capability," Mr. Lewis said. "They now have the ability to strike a target that was once out of range."
U.S. officials said there was no information on the location or operational plans of Navy ships in the Persian Gulf on the unclassified system.
The most recent intrusion prompted the Navy to take down the unclassified system for significant security upgrades.
The system penetrated, the Navy Marine Corps Internet, makes up the majority of the Navy's unclassified computer system and contains the email accounts for officials as senior as the secretary of the Navy, the chief of naval operations and commandant of the Marine Corps.
Officials said the email accounts of the top officials weren't compromised.
Other officials said the hackers gained access to a portion of the system that would have allowed them to change the configuration of the network.
The Obama administration has been weighing whether to take offensive measures against Iran for its attacks on and infiltrations of U.S. systems. People familiar with the discussions say officials had appeared to be leaning in favor of action, but also are weighing whether to see what materializes from the start of U.S.-Iran talks.
White House spokeswoman Laura Lucas said she was "not in a position" to confirm the internal discussion. "It continues to be our policy that we shall undertake the least action necessary to mitigate cyberthreats," she said.
The security upgrades to NMCI took place over two days last week, causing intermittent disruptions.
The series of Iranian intrusions revealed a weakness in the Navy network and a shortcoming in the service's defenses compared with other unclassified military networks, according to U.S. officials.
Once the intruders got into the Navy computer system, they were able to exploit security weaknesses to penetrate more deeply into the unclassified network, the officials said.
Some officials briefed on the infiltration said intruders relied on a relatively unsophisticated method to gain entry. The officials said the military's network security—even on unclassified systems—is best calibrated for defending against more sophisticated attacks.
Aaron Alexis, the accused gunman in the Washington Navy Yard shootings on Sept. 16, was working on a contract to upgrade equipment on the NMCI network.

But officials said there was no connection between the timing of the Iranian attack on the NMCI network and the Navy Yard shooting. While the most recent hack occurred after the rampage shootings, the Iranian intrusions began well before the killings at the Navy Yard.
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Friday, September 27, 2013


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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Download now Kali Linux (BackTrack 6) [Download Link & Password in the article]

Download now Kali Linux (BackTrack 6) [Download Link & Password in the article]

Earlier I wrote about BackTrack renaming itself as Kali Linux or BackTrack 6 will be available for download soon,  today is the day when all hackers and Backtrack users can download Kali Linux.
Backtrack development team had announced that they are in process of a major change and the operating system, that will be replaced by the name of Kali. 
Kali Linux is based upon Debian Linux, instead of Ubuntu and new streamlined repositories synchronize with the Debian repositories 4 times a day, constantly providing users with the latest package updates and security fixes available.
The Multi-language, free of cost operating system has over 300 penetration tools with GPG signed packages and Vast wireless device support.
You can download Kali from KaliLinux and password is toor.

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