wysiwyg web builder full version free download
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What's new in WYSIWYG Web Builder 9?
- WYSIWYG Web Builder now supports the Ribbon interface! The Ribbon introduces many new ways to quickly change the appearance of the page and objects. With drop down galleries, quick access to frequently used options and much more functionality, only a click away...
- Note the classic toolbars are still available, for users that prefer them.
- New feature: Added 'Global Replace' tool. This tool can be used to quickly change the color, font, url or filename for all objects (or a selection) on the page or entire website.
- New feature: Added 'Multi color gradient', "Pattern' and 'Texture' options to page background.
- New feature: Gradient Manager now supports alpha values in colors for transparent colors.
- New feature: Added the ability to create semitranparent backgrounds for most objects by setting the alpha value of background and gradient colors.
- New feature: Added the ability to set alpha value of box shadow.
- New feature: Added Internet Explorer compatibility 'Chrome Frame' option. Users running Internet Explorer with Google Chrome Frame installed will automatically have pages that include this tag rendered by Chrome.
- New feature: Added the possibility to select all objects above, below, left or right of the selected object. This can be useful if you want to insert a new object between other objects.
- New feature: Added ‘Enable HTML beautifier’ option. Formats HTML so it looks better and is easier to read.
- New feature: Added a shortcut menu item to insert Google Analytics code in the <head> section of the page.
- New feature: Added a shortcut menu item to access Meta Tags so (new) users will be able to find this section more easily.
- Improved: HTML options (Tools->Options->HTML) are now saved per project (instead of global). So each project can now have different settings.
- Improved: JavaScript are now always in external (minified) file.
Web Fonts (@font-face):
- New feature: Added the ability to manually configure @font-face web fonts. Supports EOT, WOFF TTF and SVG fonts.
- New feature: Added support for 'Google Fonts'. If this option is enabled then the software will assume that all non web safe fonts you are using are Google Web Fonts and it will automatically generate a link to the font in the HTML code, so you do not have to do that manually.
- New feature: Added the ability to configure fonts that will be display when 'Display web safe fonts only' is enabled. This can be useful in combination with @font-face so not all system fonts are visible.
Timer Object:
- New feature: Added 'Timer' object. Trigger actions based on timer events. For instance show or hide an object after X milli seconds. Timers can also start/stop other timers! All event actions are supported.
jQuery UI:
- Improved: Upgraded to latest version of jQuery and jQuery UI. The jQuery UI widgets have been redesigned to comply to the current documentation.
- New feature: Added many new animations (easing) types to the jQuery Accordion.
- New feature: Added 'Split button' mode to jQuery Button. Adds a drop down menu to the button.
- New feature: Added 'Button set' mode to jQuery Button. Adds the ability to define multiple buttons to create a navigation menu.
- New feature: Added Slide Left, Slide Right, Slide Up, Slide Down and Fade animations to jQuery Dialog.
- New feature: jQuery Menu. Themeable (multi level) menu with mouse and keyboard interactions for navigation.
- New feature: jQuery Spinner: Enhance a text input for entering numeric values, with up/down buttons and arrow key handling.
- New feature: jQuery ToolTip: Customizable, themeable tooltips, replacing native tooltips. The tooltip supports text formatting and can be assigned to any WWB object.
- New feature: Added 'Rotate' action to events. Now you can rotate any object (or even forms, layers, etc!)
- New feature: Added 'Angle' property to Animate in events. Rotate objects with animation!
- New feature: Added 'Timer start' and 'Timer stop' event actions.
- New feature: Added 'Toggle' event action. Useful to toggle the visible state (show/hide) on an object. Triggering the event again will restore the previous state. Support animations.
- New feature: Added 'Toggle Style' event action. Toggle between the current style and another style while animating the style changes. Triggering the event again will restore the previous style.
CSS3 animations and transitions:
- New feature: Added CSS3 animation and transition support!
- New feature: Added Animation Manager. This can be used to define animation (with key frames) for CSS3 animations. We have included many predefined animations to get you started.
- New feature: Added support for animations and transitions in the Style Manager.
- New feature: Added support for 'text-shadow' in the Style Manager. This allows you to add shadows to text (in supported browsers). For performance reasons the text will not be rendered with shadow in design view. You must preview or publish the page!
CSS Menu:
- Improved: completely redesigned the CSS Menu.
- New feature: Added support for sub menus with many settings, for offsets, paddig, spacing and much more!
- New feature: Added support for images (different images for normal, hover and items with sub menus)
- New feature: Added the ability to set the background color/border for hte main menu and sub menus.
Tab Menu:
- Improved: Redesigned style properties window.
- New feature: Added support for gradient colors.
- New feature: Added support for box shadow to make tabs look more realistic.
- New feature: Added hover animation. Includes the possibility to let the tab ‘jump’ up a few pixels up on mouse over.
Slide Menu:
- New feature: Header items can now also have a link.
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