Wednesday, September 25, 2013

New Android Malware That Forwards Your Text Messages to Hackers


New Android Malware That Forwards Your Text Messages to Hackers

A Russian based anti-virus solution providing company Doctor Web has issued a warning about a new Android virus that intercepts inbound text messages and forward them to hackers.
Android.Pincer.2.origin Trojan can easily bluff the two step verification step set against the system as a security precaution by social media platforms and email service providers.
Doctor Web warns that Android.Pincer.2.origin Trojan tricks Android users by spreading a fake security certificate asking users to install it as a security measure on their Android phones.
Once the installation is completed, the user receives a notification about confirmation of successful installation. After the notification, the malware goes in stealth mode and works silently in the background, connecting to a remote server set up by hackers to send below given information about the user’s Android device.
  1. Operating system
  2. IMEI serial number
  3. Carrier information
  4. Including model
  5. Phone number
  6. Handset default language
After successful installation, hacker can now take over your Text messages by instructing the malware to intersect and forward messages to them. The malware can also deceive you with fake messages and other text related activities.
The malware is so smart that its developer can select a specific message and forward to the recipient. It can be user’s financial information, banking details, social media passwords or family chats.
Android users should be careful of this malware and keep their anti-virus up to date.

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